CT REALTORS® Committees

CTR has Committees that meet throughout the year to guide the Association’s efforts on behalf of the membership.

Association Executives Committee

A resource for Connecticut Association Executives by providing leadership and association management programs to enhance their knowledge and skills, providing networking opportunities for AEs to share their knowledge/experience, and providing a resource for CTR on issues of particular importance to local Boards/Associations and AEs. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Consider and advise responses to issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Engagement Committee

Strengthen REALTOR® member involvement in support of the Association’s political, electoral and legislative endeavors at the local, State and National levels.  This effort may include enhancing member lobbying efforts for legislation supported/opposed by CTR or NAR, increasing member response to “Calls for Action”, promoting attendance at political events and encouraging overall REALTOR® grassroots involvement in political campaigns for those candidates endorsed by CTR.  

Finance Committee (includes Strategic Investment Fund)

Oversee the association’s financial affairs, including reviewing and making recommendations to the Executive Committee; to approve a budget for presentation to the Executive Committee; and to make final decisions related to the Strategic Investment Fund in accordance with policies adopted by the Board of Directors.

Grievance/Professional Standards Committee 

Grievance is responsible for making determinations as to whether there is any validity to a complaint that would justify holding a full hearing.  Professional Standards is responsible for holding ethics and arbitration hearings in accordance with established policies, including offering option for mediation and other expedited processes.

Legislative/Political Affairs Committee

Formulate public policy positions consistent with CTR’s Public Policy Statement, advocating the REALTOR® viewpoint on proposed bills or regulations and, in doing so, informing members and lawmakers of the effects of such legislation on property owners and the real estate business; and recommend new public policies.

NAR Director Selection Committee

Interviews and selects the National Directors-at-Large. The committee is made up of nine Connecticut REALTORS® drawn randomly by the President from among those presently serving on NAR Committees. Candidates for the position of National Director-at-Large may not serve on the Special Committee.

Nominating Committee

Identifies, interviews and recommends a Slate of Officers for election by the CTR Board of Directors. The committee is made up of eleven to include the two immediate past presidents of CTR (who shall serve as Chair and Vice Chair), one Representative from each of the four Regions who shall have served as a local president or as an RVP for that Region, plus five at-large members of which one shall be a past Treasurer, one shall be a past CTR president, two shall be current local board elected officers serving on the CTR Board of Directors and 1 at-large from among the CTR Board of Directors.

Political Fundraising Committee

Educate REALTORS® on the importance of raising funds for RPAC and Issues Advocacy; and to network and share the techniques that are most effective in raising funds.

Risk Reduction Committee

Identify potential areas of liability, evaluate new/existing risk reduction products and services, recommend risk reduction material or information dissemination and make recommendations for use of the Legal Action Fund in accordance with restricted fund policies.

Strategic Planning Committee

Recommends a two-year Strategic Plan for the Association. The committee is made up of 15 inclusive of a Chair and Vice Chair, to include the President, President Elect and Treasurer of the Association plus others representing a cross-section of the membership. Appointments are the two-year term cycle of the Strategic Plan.